[Paraview] Showing reader-generated pipeline in selection window?

Berk Geveci berklist at nycap.rr.com
Thu, 08 Apr 2004 11:59:19 -0400

If you create a reader that produces multiple outputs, ParaView will
automatically group them together. You can then extract one or more
"parts" using Extract Parts. If you want the Extract Parts GUI display
special name for parts, change your reader so that it creates an
vtkUnsignedCharArray named "Name" and containing the name of the part
and adds it to data object's field data. For an example, see
vtkEnSight6Reader ::CreateUnstructuredGridOutput().


On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 11:38, Tim Tautges wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I'd like to have my custom reader generate multiple outputs, which 
> then get grouped using a group filter.  If I just implement that in the 
> normal way in the reader code, will those outputs and group(s) show up 
> in the paraview selection window?  If not, how would I go about making 
> them show up?  I guess that's making the selection window more of a 
> pipeline viewer - is that the intent of that window?
> Thanks.
> - tim
Berk Geveci <berklist at nycap.rr.com>