[Paraview] Reader for a Raw volume data Image file.
Berk Geveci
berk . geveci at kitware . com
29 Oct 2003 09:50:08 -0500
VolView is much better for that. It has a "light" mode that is
free. It should open your data out-of-the-box. I visualizes
volume data using volume rendering (which ParaView does not
support). Visit
http://www . kitware . com/products/volview . html
On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 22:52, ss396 at drexel . edu wrote:
> Greetings,
> I, am a student of Drexel University, Computer Science, working on a
> research project which requires using a tool to be able to view 3d
> volume data.
> This data is collected from MRI scans and is in the form of Raw .dat
> file. The first 2 lines of the file is the header, consisting of the
> image resolution and the format(float, double etc) of the volume data
> which follows.
> I have been trying to use paraview to view the data, but it doesn't
> have the appropriate reader for it.
> Can someone please tellme whether paraview has the capability to view
> that sort of a file or how should I go about tweaking it to display
> that sort of data?
> Are there any other tools available which would directly read this
> data file ?
> Thanks,
> /Suchindra Sandhu.
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