[Paraview] Writing new readers for paraview

Berk Geveci berk . geveci at kitware . com
10 Oct 2003 10:57:46 -0400

Errrrr.... hmmmm... With a small change you should be able to.
We are changing ParaView so that the readers/filters are not
created on the client. Therefore, the library does not have to
be loaded. The problem is line 681 of vtkPVXMLPackageParser:

 "::paraview::load_component %s [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]",

Try changing BroadcastScript to ServerScript. It should work.
If it doesn't, it's a bug we need to fix. If it does, let me know,
I'll commit the change.

PS. This does not work on the release branch.


> I have another question. I followed all steps indicated by Berk for a 
> local reader, compiled in my vtkLocal. My XML file indicates that the 
> reader is found in <Library name="vtkLocalTCL"/> and everything works as 
> advertised.
> The problem happens in client-server mode. It happens that my reader 
> uses a commercial library only available under Linux. I have compiled it 
> under my Linux platform and wish to connect a Windows-based Paraview 
> client to my Linux platform where ParaView runs in server mode. Can I do 
> it? It seems not, since it is the client which parses the XML stuff, 
> while [as I understand] it is the server which actually reads the data.
> Any hints would be appreciated. TIA.