[Paraview] Single processor stereo

Christopher.Moore@noaa.gov Christopher . Moore at noaa . gov
Wed, 8 Oct 2003 19:37:22 -0700 (PDT)

Just a follow-up on an old thread (2003-March/000123.html):

Georg got stereo in Windows, but when I tried the following on my linux
installation, in the command window:

RenWin1 StereoCapableWindowOn
RenWin1 SetStereoTypeToCrystalEyes
RenWin1 StereoRenderOn

it failed with:

Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not
support stereo type CRYSTAL_EYES
is not possible.

Even though I've got a nVidia Quadro card, and I'm running the nVidia 
video driver binary (I know, I'm a bad person).

I changed lines 51-53 of vtkRenderWindow.cxx to:
  this->StereoType = VTK_STEREO_CRYSTAL_EYES;
  this->StereoStatus = 0;
  this->StereoCapableWindow = 1;
and re-compiled,
and now can set StereoRenderOn or StereoRenderOff in the command window.

We're considering a small cluster for computation and visualization here 
at PMEL, and wonder if stereo might be a feature when in 
distributed-rendering mode?


Christopher Moore                email: Christopher . Moore at noaa . gov
Research Scientist, Oceanography                 tel: 206.526.6779
University of Washington/JISAO/NOAA-PMEL         fax: 206.526.6744