[Paraview] Running paraview with MPI

Emmanuel Colin emmanuel.colin@supelec.fr
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 22:24:32 +0100


Thanks for your answer, Berk.

> This is expected. Unless off-screen rendering is enabled, ParaView will
> create a new render window on each process. These windows should not be
> covered by other windows in any way, otherwise, the parallel image 
> compositing will not work. This is because the image buffer is
> grabbed during compositing. There are a few ways of avoiding this:
> 1. send each window to a different display; this is the common way
> of running paraview on a cluster

I just tried to do it this way (started two X servers and arranged for 
each window to have its own), but (still using the mandelbrot source) I 
just got black renderer windows. When I interact with the scene, it 
appears, but as soon as I release it an it gets fully rendered the 
display area goes black...

> 2a. On Unix/Linux, compile paraview with mesa or a combination of 
> another GL and mangled Mesa and use off-screen rendering
> 2b. On Windows, use off-screen rendering 
> To enable off-screen rendering, you have to define the PV_OFFSCREEN
> env. variable. Note that this will only work with the Windows binaries,
> on Unix/Linux, you have to recompile VTK and ParaView. I can point
> you to some documentation if this is what you want.

This would be very helpful. Thanks.
