[Paraview] Running paraview with MPI

Emmanuel Colin emmanuel.colin@supelec.fr
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 23:35:25 +0100


I ran into some problems using ParaView with MPI (mpich version 1.2.5 on
a linux biprocessor).

Running ParaView-MPI binaries (mpirun -np 2 ParaView-MPI) and using the
Mandelbrot source (or glyphing filter on a sphere with high theta and 
phi resolution values), a new vtk renderer window appears and renders 
part of the display; if this window is somehow hidden, the display in 
the main window is buggy or incomplete (I can send screenshots if needed).

Running ParaView-MPI with -np 3, -np 4... I got 2, 3 additionnal windows.

I then compiled a CVS version of ParaView in order to see if this
problem was specific to PV-06 binaries, but this time, the additionnal
windows appear directly at launch time (Might I have gone wrong in
specifying MPI compilation options ?). Rendering and display present the
same problems, and I get this error message :
Process id: 1 >> ERROR: In
line 387
vtkInteractorStyleJoystickCamera (0x9517d70): Timer start failed

Does someone know anything about these problems ?
