[Paraview] How to Turnoff ZlibDataCompressor and Appended DateModein DataWriters ?

Andy Cedilnik andy . cedilnik at kitware . com
22 Jul 2003 10:06:22 -0400

Hi Jean,

Long time ago I added a bug report/feature request entry for better file
dialog. We have one now, but is only used for client/server mode.

If we would have a better file dialog, we could do things during loading
and saving of files. Then reader and writer modules could specify
special actions. In your case, the VTK XML writer would have a checkbox
for ascii / binary.

Unfortunately there is a lot of things on the list, so this is on the
back burner.


On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 03:19, Jean M. Favre wrote:
> My best guess is that you need to edit vtkXMLWriter.cxx in your VTK/IO
> directory and change line 66 from
>   this->DataMode = vtkXMLWriter::Appended;
> to
>   this->DataMode = vtkXMLWriter::Ascii;
> Recompile and you're done. I tried it and it works for me.
> The problem is then that it is ASCII mode for *all* file writes. Too bad
> there isn't a way to turn the flag on/off from the ParaView command
> prompt.