[Paraview] What is wrong with translation?

Charles Law charles . law at kitware . com
Mon, 07 Jul 2003 09:04:09 -0400


This effect is caused by perspective.  There are two ways to translate the 
view.  ParaView rotates the camera.  The other option is to translate the 
camera.  Both will have distortion because of perspective.

The reason you see the distortion more with a wide screen is because VTK 
uses the window height as the view angle (30 degrees by default).  With a 
wide aspect ratio, the width view angle becomes large, and you get a fish 
eye lens effect.  You have two options.  First, you can turn parallel 
projection (view menu-3D View Properties-General tab) on.  With no 
perspective, you will see no distortion.  To minimize distortion, you can 
make the view angle of the camera smaller (closer to parallel 
projection).  Unfortunately, there is no user interface in ParaView to 
modify the view angle.  You can see how a smaller view angle changes 
ParaView by using the command prompt (Window menu).  Type:

[Ren1 GetActiveCamera] SetViewAngle 10


At 02:41 PM 7/1/2003 +0000, Terry Jordan wrote:
>When you translate either left/right (x) or up/down (y), the object seems 
>to rotate around you as if it were on a curved screen.  To observe make 
>your window widescreen (say 1280 X 512) and drag an object form left to 
>right and watch it distort.  This also happens in regular square 
>resolution but is less noticeable.
>Does anyone know why? or how to fix it?
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