[Paraview] Fresh built of PAraView

Mathieu Malaterre malat@free.fr
Fri, 07 Feb 2003 14:11:53 +0100

   I tried launching the demo but here is what I get:

[malat@mathieu Bin]$ ./ParaView --play-demo
# Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file: 
/home/malat/Kitware/ParaView/Widgets/vtkKWApplication.cxx (1063)

     Returned Error on line 3637:
       invalid command name ""
Generic Warning: In 
/home/malat/Kitware/VTK/Rendering/vtkTkRenderWidget.cxx, line 638
A TkRenderWidget is being destroyed before it associated vtkRenderWindow 
is destroyed. This is very bad and usually due to the order in which 
objects are being destroyed. Always destroy the vtkRenderWindow before 
destroying the user interface components.

and through the menu bar:

[malat@mathieu Bin]$ ./ParaView
# Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file: 
/home/malat/Kitware/ParaView/Widgets/vtkKWApplication.cxx (1063)

     Returned Error on line 3637:
       invalid command name ""

I have done a cvs update today (1 hour ago)
