[Paraview] Compiling 1.0.4 with HDF5

Katherine Holcomb kholcomb at virginia . edu
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 17:09:40 -0500

On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 17:04, Andy Cedilnik wrote:
> Hi Katherine,
> If you have HDF5 on the system, try turning XDMF_SYSTEM_HDF5 and/or

I did set PARAVIEW_USE_SYSTEM_HDF5 to ON.  I believe I left
XDMF_SYSTEM_HDF5 to whatever the default was, but I can check.  Should
only one of the two be ON?  I saw no way to give the location of any
HDF5 libraries, although the lib directory is under the same overall
directory as the include directory requested.
> 			Andy
> On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 16:53, Katherine Holcomb wrote:
> > I'm trying to compile Paraview 1.0.4 with HDF5.  I have an HDF5 library
> > on my system and it also appears that Paraview contains the HDF5
> > source.  I have tried to use both.  The only obvious question Cmake asks
> > about locations for HDF5 is for the path to one include file, nothing
> > about the libraries.  The compilation fails with a lot of "undefined
> > references" to HDF5 functions.
> > 
> > Thanks for any help.
Katherine Holcomb, Ph.D.		kholcomb at virginia . edu
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