[Paraview] New data readers

Berk Geveci berk . geveci at kitware . com
15 Dec 2003 10:34:55 -0500

Look at the faq:

http://www . paraview . org/cgi-bin/paraviewfaq?req=show&file=faq05 . 004 . htp

Note that the XML is still evolving and you might need to
make modifications to the example I posted in the e-mail.


On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 08:48, Dr Gavin Tabor wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'm wanting to write some additional modules to work with paraview to
> read in data (mesh, scalars, vectors etc) generated by particular CFD
> codes. Can someone point me at information about how to add input
> modules? 
> Gavin