[Paraview] Tiled Displays

Michael Gronager Michael Gronager" <mpg at uni-c . dk
Sat, 9 Aug 2003 20:17:19 +0100

Hi ParaViewers...

I have made a translator between vtk and OpenSceneGraph
so that vtk actors can be displayed as OSG Geodes. The main purpose is to
get a better
and more flexible display than that ParaView can offer, enabling cluster
support (such that
2x4 PCs e.g. can render each (stereo) side in a 4 sided CAVE). I have
already experimented
a little with ParaViews Tiled display support, but have found that it
doesn't work on windows(?)
and can't see from the manual how it distributes each tile and how you
specify which computer
is connected to which part of your tiled display.

What is currently beeing done on this in ParaView? Is CAVE support (via a PC
cluster) on its way?
or is my OSG coupling welcomed? Would it be easier to just use the existing
framework in ParaView
using MPI to do the job?


Michael Gronager, PhD

Michael Gronager, PhD
Research and Developement, VR-C
DTU Building 304
DK2800 Lyngby

Phone:  +45 3587 8889
Fax:    +45 3587 8990
Direct: +45 3587 8966
Mobile: +45 2424 8207

Email:   mpg at uni-c . dk