[Paraview] compiling with MPI under Red Hat?

Berk Geveci berklist@nycap.rr.com
21 Oct 2002 09:03:56 -0400

Something is suspicious here. When I did a google search
for the errors you are getting, a few of them were somehow
linked to the portland compilers. Also, there is no pgCC
in mpich. Are you by any chance mixing the two in your build ?


On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 05:41, Jean M. Favre wrote:
> Hello Paraview list
> I have been using Paraview for 3 months now and I am now trying to use
> it with MPI.
> I use the nightly developper (CVS) version compiled on my Linux box.
> Without MPI, it compiles and runs fine. With VTK_USE_MPI, I cannot link
> I use the i386-redhat-linux/2.96 gcc/g++ and when linking to produce
> pvtk, I get the following unresolved symbols.
> c++ -rdynamic -O2 -DHAVE_MPICHCONF_H paraTkAppInit.o 
> -L/local/apps/ParaViewComplete/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -L/local/apps/ParaViewComplete/tk8.3.2/unix -L/apps/mpich-1.2.4/lib
> -L/local/apps/ParaViewComplete/tcl8.3.2/unix -lpthread -ldl -lm
> -lvtkParallelTCL -lvtkParallel -lvtkPatentedTCL -lvtkPatented
> -lvtkHybridTCL -lvtkHybrid -lGLU -lGL -lX11 -lXext -ltk8.3 -lXt  -lSM
> -lICE  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext -lmpich -lvtkRenderingTCL
> -lvtkImagingTCL -lvtkGraphicsTCL -ltk8.3 -lvtkIOTCL -lvtkFilteringTCL
> -lvtkCommonTCL -ltcl8.3 -lvtkRendering -lvtkImaging -lvtkGraphics -lGLU
> -lGL -lXext -lX11 -lXt  -lSM -lICE  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext
> -lvtkIO -lvtktiff -lvtkpng -lvtkzlib -lvtkjpeg -lvtkexpat -lvtkFiltering
> -lvtkCommon -lpthread -lm -ldl
> -Wl,-rpath,/local/apps/ParaViewComplete/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/local/apps/ParaViewComplete/tk8.3.2/unix:/apps/mpich-1.2.4/lib:/local/apps/ParaViewComplete/tcl8.3.2/unix 
> -o /local/apps/ParaViewComplete/bin/pvtk
> global_ops.o(.text+0x384): undefined reference to `__mth_i_kcmp'
> global_ops.o(.text+0x2dc3): undefined reference to `__mth_i_kmul'
> global_ops.o(.text+0x3b44): undefined reference to `__mth_i_kcmpz'
> global_ops.o(.text+0x773a): undefined reference to `__mth_i_kcmp'
> /apps/mpich-1.2.4/lib/libmpich.a(debugutil.o): In function
> `MPIR_Breakpoint':
> /apps/archive/mpich-1.2.4/src/env/debugutil.c:113: undefined reference
> to `__pgdbg_stub'
> ====
> I have tried adding other mpi libs, such as -lpmpich++, and other from
> the mpich-1.2.4 distribution, but without success.
> Has any one seen these errors before and can tell me what other flags or
> libs are missing?
> I have also tried my pgCC compilers without success...
> Thanks for the tips.
> Jean
> -- 
> Dr. Jean M. Favre,                            email:favre@cscs.ch
> http://www.cscs.ch/people/Favre.html
> CSCS, Swiss Center for Scientific Computing | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.40
> Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82
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