[Paraview] Adding a new file reader ...

Berk Geveci berk.geveci@kitware.com
19 Dec 2002 09:36:53 -0500

If you added a reader, the source menu will not change. The readers
do not appear in the sources menu but in the open file dialog. Try
adding some dummy source and see if it appears in the sources menu.
If it does, then your reader configuration is being parsed too and
the extension should be one of the options in the open dialog.


On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 07:20, Gu=E9nol=E9 Harel wrote:
> Hello,
> We have completed the file "usr/local/share/Paraview/Config/StandardSourc=
es.xml" with the definition of a new file reader for Paraview. But when we =
launched Paraview the source menu didn't change. Therefore, could you expla=
in us the process to add a new file reader in Paraview ?
> Gu=E9nol=E9 Harel