[Paraview] Execution problems

Andrew Porter Andrew.Porter@man.ac.uk
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 10:05:59 +0000 (GMT)

> A few questions:
> 1. Have you tried the binary distribution ?

I have now. It launches OK but I've had it seg. fault on me a couple of
times as I try and learn how to use it. (e.g. launch Paraview, click the
'calculator icon' and then click the 'cut plane' icon).

> 2. Are you using a special environment to launch ParaView ? The errors
> you posted look very unfamiliar

Nope, as far as I know my environment is quite standard.  I've tried
launching Paraview without any of the personalisation that normally
happens when I log in to the machine in question and I got the same error.

> Any information you can give about your environment would help.
Right, I'm using the tcsh on IRIX 6.5.17f.  I'm using the SGI compilers:

MIPSpro Compilers: Version

for both c++ and c compilation.

Let me know it there's anything else that would be useful.



Andrew Porter

Software engineer, RealityGrid      Tel. :  +44 (0)161 2757184
Manchester Computing                Fax. :  +44 (0)161 2756040
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester, M13 9PL