[Paraview-developers] information_only property doesn't update, please help

iusadhfoias sidufasipudf asduifhssauidf at gmail.com
Wed May 30 04:47:48 EDT 2018

Yes, Utkash, I understand, though this seems like a short sighted strategy.
Paraview is different from other successful open source projects by the
lack of proper developers documentation. Kitware may be adding feature
after feature, but I have some doubts whether this improves the software
quality. The sources contain hundreds of comments such as "not sure why,
but the old code was doing this...", "not sure about this one, hopefully it
doesn't  affect..." etc. I get the impression that none of the developers
gets the complexity of the package anymore, and bugs are only fixed by
their symptoms, not by investigating the source of the trouble.
Maybe Kitware should advertise some funding campaign to document the
ParaView design, its programming paradigms, its client-server architecture
and Qt UI from a developers point of view etc. You'd win thousands of
developers that are currently lost and seek futile help on the mailing
lists. We'd invest many hundreds bucks in such a documentation campaign,
and I expect thousands of other institutions, companies or individuals to
join in.
We'll discuss whether we can still depend on a software that is mostly
documented by its c++ sources. Probably we will, as there is no real
alternative to Paraview :(

Many thanks,

On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:22 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit <
utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:

> Jussuf,
> The debugger is your friend (and mine too). I'd suggest stepping through
> the code and things will start getting clear. While
> pqPropertyWidget::addPropertyLink has no docs, if you  follow the
> code down to pqPropertyLinks::addPropertyLink there's quite a bit of docs.
> Of course, community members are welcome to update docs, fill in the holes,
> make things clearer, etc.
> Thorough developer docs are ideal and we would love to, unfortunately, are
> not something that we can do, given limited resources. Given a choice
> between developing fixes/features paid for the supporters that fund
> ParaView
> development, adding user docs/posts that impact a broader community of
> users and adding
> developer docs, I am afraid the first two always win out. Contributions are
> always welcome, however.
> Utkarsh
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