[Paraview-developers] Alleviate data load using a client-server architecture with Catalyst

Louka Jacques--Chevallier louka.jacques--chevallier at pi.esisar.grenoble-inp.fr
Fri May 18 10:11:02 EDT 2018

Hi all, 

We (three students) have been working hard on a paraview custom application. 
We use a client-server architecture, and a huge flow of data is sent from the server to the client to enable its visualisation. 
We read in the user guide that the solution is to "send less data", but as we need a very high precision, this isn't possible in our case. 
This flow of data is lowering the server speed, but only when the visualisation in enabled (via catalyst). 

We searched for a while a way to alleviate this load, but we're stuck. The only thing we can control is the frequency used by the server to send data, but it doesn't help a lot, and we still need a decent frequency (approx 30 time per sec). 
Could you please explain us a bit more how the CoProcessing classes manage to send the data, and if there's a way to alleviate the load ?
We were mainly wondering if the data is sent asynchronously, and if not, how we could make it be so. 

Any help on that will be really apreciated, 

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