[Paraview-developers] Change in mpi operation of paraview and pvpython in ParaView 5.5.0-RC1-1

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Wed Mar 7 09:22:19 EST 2018

Hi Joe,

Is it possible that you're using a different MPI for your builds?  I'm
wondering if the previous MPI version didn't require mpirun in order to run
a single process while the current one does.

What you can do though is to use the "--no-mpi" option which will skip
initializing and finalizing MPI but also make the MPI required filters and
readers not available. It's possible that the CMake
PARAVIEW_INITIALIZE_MPI_ON_CLIENT option got switched from OFF to ON. It it
is OFF by default but PV is still built with MPI you can do a --mpi to have
the GUI or pvpython initialize and finalize MPI.

Most filters (actually, I'm not aware of any) don't explicitly rely on MPI
for single process runs but there are a couple of readers that use MPI IO.


On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 9:02 AM, Hennessey, Joseph G CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL
(US) <joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have noticed that when building ParaView 5.5.0-RC1-1 with an external
> MPI version that pvpython and paraview itself are now being built such
> that they can not be executed without mpirun.
> For example this would work with ParaView 5.4.1
> paraview
> pvpython
> mpirun -n 1 pvbatch
> While for ParaView 5.5.0-RC1-1 I have to do the following
> mpirun -n 1 paraview
> mpirun -n 1 pvpython
> mpirun -n 1 pvbatch
> as running
> paraview
> pvpython
> without mpirun will no longer work and complain about
> attempting to run an mpi required program without mpi,
> as has been the case with pvbatch in the past.
> Is this an intentional change, or is this an unintended consequence
> of some other change?
> Thanks,
> Joe
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Joseph G. Hennessey Ph.D., SAIC
> Team SAIC
> Army Research Lab
> DOD Supercomputing Resource Center
> Email:  joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil
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