[Paraview-developers] Resolve (paraview) dependencies of plugin

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Thu Mar 1 09:49:01 EST 2018

On Thu, Mar 01, 2018 at 15:21:38 +0100, hermann.detz at gmail.com wrote:
> I started with a version that worked for an older Paraview Version and
> modified it to my needs. I also split the source code in multiple files
> and added them within the SOURCES line.
>  ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(PluginName "2.0"
>    SERVER_MANAGER_XML PluginName.xml
>    SERVER_MANAGER_SOURCES PluginReader.cxx
>    SOURCES SourceA.cxx SourceB.cxx
> This is the only GetXMLs call I found:
> void PluginName_Plugin::GetXMLs(std::vector<std::string> &xmls)
> {
> PushBack(xmls, PluginNamePluginNameInterfaces);
> (void)xmls;
> }

So it's actually a vector of std::string which means that NULL showing
up would appear here. It's actually more likely that there's some
mismatch between the ParaView versions that are loading the plugins.
Does it work if you load the plugin on the second machine using the same
ParaView binary it works with on the first machine?


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