[Paraview-developers] Accessing attributes in VTK geometric objects

rclaveria rclaveria at dim.uchile.cl
Fri Jun 15 11:34:20 EDT 2018


I need to access and modify the data attributes of VTK geometric objects 
(e.g., an unstructured grid) from the code. For example, I'd like to 
write algorithm to assign a pressure or temperature value to each cell 
(or point) of my mesh according to a certain physical model. However, I 
haven't found code examples where data attributes are set, accessed or 
modified using C++ or python code. So far, I've relied on external code 
(python's FEniCS library, to be precise) to generate meshes, run 
simulations and set attributes, saving the output in a format readable 
by ParaView (.vtk extension with the flag UNSTRUCTURED_GRID).

I'd be grateful to receive guidelines on how to set the attributes of a 
mesh using the VTK library.


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