[Paraview-developers] pvpython and force_offscreen_rendering on OS X

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jan 24 22:52:05 EST 2018

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 9:53 PM, Sgouros, Thomas
<thomas_sgouros at brown.edu> wrote:
> Sure, I didn't mean to seem accusatory.

Oh no, I didn't take it as accusatory at all. I was just making sure
you saw that as well. I often miss things on long pages as such.

> I have to develop a paraviewweb
> application and want to see if I could set up a prototype paraview server on
> my (mac) laptop for the convenience of developing. If I can't, I can't, but
> the text seemed to imply there was a possibility so I soldiered on until I
> got stuck.

So here's the deal: I had forgotten that `--force-offscreen-rendering`
is not an option available in 5.4.1, it'll be available in upcoming
release, or with a nighly build. I'll let Seb follow up on how to
update the command line if you want to try with 5.4.1 release.


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