[Paraview-developers] Animation: spreadsheet view not synchronized with table

Cornelis Bockemühl cornelis.bockemuehl at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 10:08:08 EST 2018


To me it looks like this could be either some omission from my side or
a bug in ParaView, but in any case I would be interested in a solution
first of all!

I have written a filter that takes some input ports and produces 5
output ports - the first being an "unstructured grid" and the others
are tables. In the server manager XML I used hints to make sure that
the tables are not automatically opened at once (<View type="None"
port="..." />). This works nicely so far.

Now the filter is producing a time series, step by step modifying the
"unstructured grid", and some data written to the tables per period.

What I see now is that the "unstructured grid" is doing what I expect:
I can go up and down along the time axis and it always shows the proper
graphical output. I can also capture the data in a spreadsheet, and
this is also properly updated.

Not so the additional tables! In this case they are updated ONCE and
never again, so I can have different scenarios:

- I add the filter and press apply. This would bring me to step 0 -
with empty tables. If I open now a spreadsheet view and look at any of
them this correct. But if I now press "play" and go from step to step,
only the "unstructured grid" gets updated, not the spreadsheet view.

- I can also add the filter, press apply and immediately also "play".
With that I am at the last step, and opening a spreadsheet view for the
tables gives me the full tables - again correct. But again: if I go
back in time, the tables stay as they were initially (i.e. full).

Now I prepared a demo case for this. It has just two tables, one being
shown immediately and the second only "on demand". Indeed I could
almost reproduce the behaviour: the first table does what is expected,
but the second not. Only difference with my full case: the second table
NEVER shows anything, no matter if I press the "play" button earlier or

It is interesting to note that the "Information" panel shows the tables
correctly, like: X rows, Y columns - even if the spreadsheet view is
completely empty. Or showing much more!

My question from the beginning is now: Is there something that I would
have to do to trigger a spreadsheet view update or is this a bug that
needs to be fixed? (Actually I hope for the first because then I can
quickly apply the fix in my own software and I am fine!...)

I am attaching a package with source code (h, cxx and xml files) plus a
screenshot that illustrates the case where the second table shows some
content only in the properties panel (left), but not in the spreadsheet
view (right).

With many thanks for any helpful hints - and kind regards,
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