[Paraview-developers] QToolBar plugin for ParaView

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Fri Jan 19 11:10:37 EST 2018

Hi Utkarsh,

>> I didn't see a good pattern that would expose the QMainWindow (which is what I really want) while also making QToolBar and such easy, so I've submitted an MR for the QActionGroup change[1].
> I am not sure I follow.

If plugins were simply passed the QMainWindow then not only could you add toolbars and menus yourself, but you could do other things. One example is calling QMainWindow::setDockNestingEnabled(true). But I haven't seen a way to expose QMainWindow that makes the basic stuff (adding toolbars/menus) as simple as the existing PV plugins.

> Here a quick fix [2]. I've also updated the GUIToolBar example to demonstrate this.
> [2] https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/merge_requests/2168

That looks good to me, I'll close my MR.


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