[Paraview-developers] Problem with vtkMappedUnstructuredGrid with VTK_POLYHEDRON cells + writing to XML

Allie Vacanti allison.vacanti at kitware.com
Fri Oct 27 10:00:12 EDT 2017

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 6:53 AM, Deij-van Rijswijk, Menno <M.Deij at marin.nl>

> Is this correct? Or am I missing something here? If my analysis is
> correct, I will try and see if I can add the support for Faces and
> FaceOffsets in the writer when using a cell iterator for polyhedral cells.

You are correct, it looks like that functionality is missing for the cell
iterator overload. Feel free to make a merge request and ping me on it if
you make a patch.

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