[Paraview-developers] failed to compile H5detect.c

Favre Jean jfavre at cscs.ch
Wed Mar 22 04:28:18 EDT 2017

Chuck, thanks for the tip.

I am in a catch-22 situation.

If I compile out of a regular filesystem (like my $HOME) cmake fails early with the error

/apps/common/cmake/3.7.2/share/cmake-3.7/Modules/TestBigEndian.cmake(41):  message(FATAL_ERROR no suitable type found )
   Called from: [2]     /apps/common/cmake/3.7.2/share/cmake-3.7/Modules/TestBigEndian.cmake
                [1]     /users/jfavre/foo/ParaView-v5.3.0/VTK/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error at /apps/common/cmake/3.7.2/share/cmake-3.7/Modules/TestBigEndian.cmake:41 (message):
  no suitable type found
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  VTK/CMakeLists.txt:337 (TEST_BIG_ENDIAN)

If I compile from /dev/shm, I must patch the compile flags to use -std=gnu99, otherwise compilation of H5detect.c fails.

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