[Paraview-developers] Color legend presets

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Mon Dec 18 18:37:21 EST 2017

I would like to propose that we reorder the color legends presets as follows:

  *   Add an advanced icon.  Default will get rid of everything other than the first page.  Increase the size of the Choose Preset to show all of the default list.
  *   In Advanced, add sub menus.  These should be Common, Rainbow variant,  double ended, dark to light, misc., etc.
  *   Default will look like this.  Note that for the most part I didn't invert any maps, since there is already a button to do this.
     *   Cool to Warm
     *   Cool to Warm (Extended)
     *   Viridis
     *   Plasma
     *   Inferno
     *   Magma
     *   Black-Body Radiation
     *   X-Ray
     *   Gray Scale
     *   Cold and Hot
     *   Black, blue and white
     *   Black, orange and white
     *   2hot
     *   Rainbow Desaturated
     *   erdc_rainbow_bright
     *   erdc_rainbow_dark
     *   Jet

Get rid of Rainbow Blended White, Gray and Black.  These were things I tried, and didn't work, with our lighting model.
Get rid of the second erdc_rainbow_bright/dark
Get rid of coolwarm.  It is Cool to Warm, which we already have.
Notice that I pushed normal Rainbow to be advanced only.


W. Alan Scott
ParaView Support Manager

Sandia National Laboratories, MS 0807
Org 9326 - Building 880 A1-K
(505) 284-0932   FAX (505) 284-5619

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