[Paraview-developers] Superbuild cpack

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Thu Dec 14 15:55:44 EST 2017

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 20:31:31 +0000, Michal Wozniak wrote:
> I am trying to generate a windows installer using cpack but I have a small problem.
> My custom Paraview has a different name eg : test.exe.  it is missing
> all the required dependencies
>   *   vtkpqApplicationComponents
>   *   vtkpqComponents
>   *   vtkpqPython
>   *   vtkpqCore
>   *   vtkpqWidgets
>   *   vtkUtilitiesPythonInitializer
> every other modules & plugins dll were correctly generated.
> I have already changed the string Paraview in
> paraview.bundle.common.cmake line 48 to append my own version to the
> paraview_executables variable
> Do I need to change a hardcoded string ?paraview? somewhere else ?

What platform(s)?


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