[Paraview-developers] OSPRay high memory cost

Favre Jean jfavre at cscs.ch
Tue Apr 11 08:19:31 EDT 2017

Hello folks

I am displaying particle datasets in the range of 0.3-3 billion particles

Taking one dataset of 368,135,844 particles loaded as a PolyData with a single cell and a Poly-Vertex, with the default Point Rendering representation, the Unix "top" command shows that ParaView uses 13.8GB of memory. Expensive, but fair - I suppose. (No scalar attached, just coordinates).

Switching on to OSPRay Point rendering, I get into massive swapping, and when the dust settles, I get interactive rendering, and ParaView uses 43.5 GB of RAM. That's about 30GB for 368M particles.

Is this a fair memory consumption?

ParaView master April 10, 2017

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