[Paraview-developers] failed to compile Cosmo

Favre Jean jfavre at cscs.ch
Tue Apr 4 09:37:56 EDT 2017

Thanks Mathieu. I got everything enabled now.

I have plugged my own data...but the vtkPLANLHaloFinder does not find any halos. It runs for a while, does not complain, but does not give indication of missing features. I am wondering if I am providing the right data. I have looked at the source code of the CosmoReader to get some hints.

Am not sure about the required array called "ghost". What exactly should it contain? any user of the CosmoTools can comment on the input data requirements?

I have got the 4 arrays required (an int-array called "ghost", 2 float-arrays called "mass" and "velocity", and an idtype-array called "tag". But no halos so far.

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