[Paraview-developers] Problems with mpi4py and SGI's mpt 2.14 version of MPI

Hennessey, Joseph G CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil
Mon Apr 3 10:15:49 EDT 2017


I have been running into problems with
mpi4py and SGI's mpt 2.14 version of MPI
while compiling ParaView 5.3.0 on HPC systems.

mpi4py cannot find MPI_CONVERSION_FN_NULL
when compiling mpi4py.MPI.c

MPI_CONVERSION_FN_NULL was not used by the
version of mpi4py that came with ParaView 5.2.0
and when I swap the ParaView 5.2.0 version of mpi4py
in place of the ParaView 5.3.0 version of mpi4py then
ParaView 5.3.0 (with the 5.2.0 version of mpi4py) compiles just fine.

Is this a known problem? Is there a minimum version
of mpt that is required for ParaView 5.3.0? What 
will break if use the ParaView 5.2.0 version of mpi4py
instead with ParaView 5.3.0?



Joseph G. Hennessey Ph.D., SAIC
Army Research Lab
DOD Supercomputing Resource Center
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005

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