[Paraview-developers] H5py in paraview python

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Mon Apr 3 08:38:15 EDT 2017

On Mon, Apr 03, 2017 at 10:34:40 +0200, Daan van Vugt wrote:
> Perhaps a more general (but maybe not easier) solution would be to include
> pip in the paraview python environment?
> Then users can install additional modules themselves.

Definitely not easier. We currently don't ship an SDK for ParaView with
the packages we make. Part of the problem (at least for Windows) is that
Python builds everything with a VS9 (2008) compiler, but C++ code needs
to use VS12 (2013). On macOS, we just use the system Python, but there's
still no SDK for ParaView since frameworks aren't created.

> We have been trying to include h5py in a binary windows install of
> Paraview and are having quite some troubles.

I'll try and take a stab at getting it into the superbuild this week.


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