[Paraview-developers] Running Paraview Benchmarks

Chuck Atkins chuck.atkins at kitware.com
Mon Sep 26 13:16:31 EDT 2016

Hi Angel,
You should be able to run the many spheres benchmark script that ships with
ParaView.  You can run it with pvbatch:

[chuck at hal9000]$ pvbatch ${ParaView_DIR}/lib/paraview-
5.1/site-packages/paraview/benchmark/manyspheres.py --help
usage: manyspheres.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT_BASENAME] [-s SPHERES]
                      [-n SPHERES_IN_SCENE] [-r RESOLUTION] [-v VIEW_SIZE]
                      [-f FRAMES] [-c] [-y]

Benchmark ParaView geometry rendering

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Basename to use for generated output files
  -s SPHERES, --spheres SPHERES
                        The total number of spheres to render
  -n SPHERES_IN_SCENE, --spheres-in-scene SPHERES_IN_SCENE
                        The number of spheres in the entire scene, including
                        those not rendered.
  -r RESOLUTION, --resolution RESOLUTION
                        Theta and Phi resolution to use for the spheres
  -v VIEW_SIZE, --view-size VIEW_SIZE
                        View size used to render
  -f FRAMES, --frames FRAMES
                        Number of frames
  -c, --color           Enable color renderings
  -y, --OSPRay          Use OSPRAY to render

The benchmark will generate several spheres in the shape of a cube and
sp[in the camera around them.  When running in parallel, each rank will be
processing a subset of the spheres.  A good value to use for "resolution"
is 726 since that gives you ~ 1M triangles per sphere.   When benching the
performance of a system, I generally find it easiest to keep the resolution
filed while varying the number of spheres.

For example, say you wanted to do a test run of 2048 spheres across 128
ranks (each rank renders 16 spheres) with ~ 1M triangles per sphere in a
1920x1080 view for 100 frames.  You would use:

mpirun -n 128 pvbatch ${ParaView_DIR}/lib/paraview-
5.1/site-packages/paraview/benchmark/manyspheres.py -s 2048 -r 726 -v
1920,1080 -f 100

This will output per-frame statistics across ranks as well as a final
summary of: Frames / Sec, Points / Frame, Polys / Frame, and MiPolys / Sec.

Chuck Atkins
Staff R&D Engineer, Scientific Computing
Kitware, Inc.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Angel M Beltre <abeltre1 at binghamton.edu>

> Hello,
> I am trying to run Para-view benchmarks on my cluster but I am unable to
> do so. This is even after I setup my environment variables correctly
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH AND PYTHONPATH... Some of the files or modules cant be
> found in the binaries I have downloaded. What can I do to make it work and
> run the benchmark.
> Thanks,
> Angel Beltre
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