[Paraview-developers] ProxyListDomain group feature and group of proxies

Mathieu Westphal mathieu.westphal at kitware.com
Tue Sep 13 10:23:20 EDT 2016


Since the new "Group" feautre have been added to the ProxyListDomain, i'm
trying to find a way to create a group of proxies from other groups.

Basically i would like to be able to do :

<ProxyGroup name="group_of_sources">
  < SourceProxy group = "extended_sources" name ="HighResLineSource" />
  < SourceProxy group = "extended_sources" name ="PointSource" />

Enabling one to then use a proxy list domain pointing to a potentially
dynamic "group_of_sources".

Do this sound like a good idea to some ?


Mathieu Westphal
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