[Paraview-developers] SOADataArray Templates and Catalyst fail to work

Staufer, Max Max.Staufer at Rolls-Royce.com
Wed Sep 7 04:13:52 EDT 2016

Dear developers,

   We I, try to access data from a Fortran90 via Catalyst.
Pushing scalars to the Paraview client works fine, see code snipped below

// Add a scalar field to the VTK data container
extern "C" void addfield_(float* scalars, char* name) {
   vtkCPInputDataDescription* idd =

     vtkUnstructuredGrid* VTKgrid =

     if (!VTKgrid) {
       vtkGenericWarningMacro("No adaptor grid to attach field data to.");
     if (idd->IsFieldNeeded(name)) {

       vtkFloatArray* field = vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(

       if (!field) {
         vtkFloatArray* field = vtkFloatArray::New();
         field->SetArray(scalars, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), 1);
       else {
         field->SetArray(scalars, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), 1);

However, pushing vector data to the client does not () , the pointer in the SOA -> AOS Structure works fine on the coprocessor side, but the
Paraview client displays only random garbage.

// Add a vector field to the VTK data container using SOADataArrayTemplate
extern "C" void addvectorfieldsoa_(float* vector0,float* vector1,float* vector2, char* name) {
   vtkCPInputDataDescription* idd =

     vtkUnstructuredGrid* VTKgrid =

     if (!VTKgrid) {
       vtkGenericWarningMacro("No adaptor grid to attach field data to.");

     if (idd->IsFieldNeeded(name)) {
       //vtkSOADataArrayTemplate<float>* field = //vtkSOADataArrayTemplate<float>::SafeDownCast(VTKgrid->GetCellData()->GetArray(name));
       vtkFloatArray* field = vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(
       if (!field) {

         // vector array
         vtkSOADataArrayTemplate<float>* field = vtkSOADataArrayTemplate<float>::New();
         field->SetNumberOfComponents(3); //field->SetNumberOfTuples(VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells());
         field->SetArray(vector0, 3*VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), 1);
         field->SetArray(0, vector0, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), false, true);
         field->SetArray(1, vector1, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), false, true);
         field->SetArray(2, vector2, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), false, true);
       else {
         field->SetArray(0, vector0, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), false, true);
         field->SetArray(1, vector1, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), false, true);
         field->SetArray(2, vector2, VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), false, true);

Interesting enough, sending the data straight as a 3 component float array works fine, only
Paraview will get the ordering wrong because the fortran array has row major ordering and
Paraview assumes a colum major ordering.

// Add a vector field to the VTK data container
extern "C" void addvectorfield_(float* vector0, char* name) {
   vtkCPInputDataDescription* idd =

     vtkUnstructuredGrid* VTKgrid =

     if (!VTKgrid) {
       vtkGenericWarningMacro("No adaptor grid to attach field data to.");

     if (idd->IsFieldNeeded(name)) {
       vtkFloatArray* field = vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(
       if (!field) {

         // vector array vector0 is the pointer to the FORTRAN90 2d Array
         vtkFloatArray* field = vtkFloatArray::New();
         field->SetArray(vector0, 3*VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), 1);
       else {
         field->SetArray(vector0, 3*VTKgrid->GetNumberOfCells(), 1);

Any thoughts on this ?



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