[Paraview-developers] In Parallel, how to check if data is distributed across nodes.

Mathieu Westphal mathieu.westphal at kitware.com
Thu Sep 1 03:59:39 EDT 2016


I would like to know if there is way to to check if the input of the filter
is distributed accross nodes

In my case I have two filter, a typical pipeline looks like this

- Input
  |- Filter 1
    |- Filter2
  |- Filter 2

Input is not parallel aware, so its output will be replicated across nodes,
while filter 1 is, so Filter 1 output can be ditributed across nodes in

How could filter2 know if its input is distributed or not ?
I tried to check for CAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST but without success (with

Thanks a lot

Mathieu Westphal
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