[Paraview-developers] [EXTERNAL] Re: ParaView superbuild and Source

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Wed Nov 30 15:15:22 EST 2016

Excellent, thanks!

Where are things like this documented?  Do you have to run ccmake, and just guess?

Thanks again,


From: Shawn Waldon [mailto:shawn.waldon at kitware.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 1:13 PM
To: Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov>
Cc: paraview-developers at paraview.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview-developers] ParaView superbuild and Source

We refactored the superbuild so that other projects than paraview could have multiple possible sources.  The new variable is paraview_SOURCE_SELECTION.  The options are '5.2.0' (downloads tarball from paraview.org<http://paraview.org> and the default), 'git' (pulls git master), and 'source' which uses an external source dir.  The git and source options are customizable with other variables (to specify which source dir or which git branch/tag to use).  I think what you want now is this:
cMakeVars = cMakeVars +\
    '-Dparaview_SOURCE_SELECTION:STRING=source '+\
    '-Dparaview_SOURCE_DIR:PATH='+pvSrcDir+' '
The first one has the same effect as the first two in your example and the last one sets the path to the source dir of ParaView.


On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov<mailto:wascott at sandia.gov>> wrote:
I have set the following variables, attempting to turn off Paraview’s downloading from the paraview.org<http://paraview.org> website.  Yet, SuperBuild is downloading everything externally!  What am I doing wrong?  How can I make ParaView not do this download and just fail?  Are the switches just ignored?

cMakeVars = cMakeVars +\
        '-DParaView_FROM_GIT:BOOL=OFF '+\
        '-DParaView_FROM_SOURCE_DIR:BOOL=ON '+\
        '-DPARAVIEW_SOURCE_DIR:PATH='+pvSrcDir+' '



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