[Paraview-developers] general error loading plugins on Cray

Favre Jean jfavre at cscs.ch
Tue Nov 22 07:36:30 EST 2016

I'll respond to my own post. Thanks to a great tip from fellow John Biddiscombe, we figured out that the DynamicLoader::OpenLibrary() was wrongly compiled to be
return 0;

because of an #if defined() statement checking for  CRAYXT_COMPUTE_LINUX_TARGET

Depending on whether your compile with the Cray wrapper, or with g++, you'll get a different behavior; the Cray wrapper automatically sets a -DCRAYXT_COMPUTE_LINUX_TARGET

Well, compiling with shared libs, I really should be able to open the shared libs objects. I have modified the source code of VTK/Utilities/KWSys/vtksys/DynamicLoader.cxx to default to the last case called " // 6. Implementation for default UNIX machines."

I am now up and running with PV5.2 on the Cray XC, running EGL.


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