[Paraview-developers] Filtered choice of attributes

Cornelis Bockemühl cornelis.bockemuehl at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 04:20:09 EST 2016

With this in the server manager xml it is possible to have the user select
one of the available attributes in the input data:

<StringVectorProperty command="SetMyAttribute"
label="Select an attribute"
  <ArrayListDomain name="array_list">
      <Property function="Input"
                name="Input" />

I have now a case where it would be desirable to constrain the selection to
some of the attributes only, like with a filter function (best part of the
C++ code of the plugin) that selects only some of the attributes based on
their name.

Is there any way how to achieve this?

Thanks for any helpful hints!

Cornelis Bockemühl
Basel, Schweiz
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