[Paraview-developers] Understanding Paview server client model

Joachim Pouderoux joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com
Mon Nov 14 16:01:48 EST 2016


When you are using ParaView in client-server mode, OpenGL is needed on the
client to perform either:

   -  local rendering of the geometry processed on the server - this is the
   case if geometry to display is below the "remote rendering" threshold
   defined in *Edit/Settings/Render View/Remote Render Threshold*. In this
   case the geometry obtained at the end of the processing pipeline (ie in
   output of the ParaView sources/filters) is gathered (in case of a parallel
   server) and send back to the client for OpenGL rendering. This allows a
   more interactive visualization in case the data is small enough to be
   handled by the client.

   - display the picture of the remote rendered images - this happens when
   geometry size is bigger than the previously mentioned threshold. In this
   case, the interactions (camera position etc.) are transferred to the server
   node(s), then OpenGL rendering is performed on each node of the server and
   finally if server is parallel (more than 1 processor), the final image is
   obtain by compositing of depth and color images of all processors and
   finally gathered before being sent to the client for display.

Hope it is clear.


*Joachim Pouderoux*, PhD

*Technical Expert - Scientific Computing Team*
*Kitware SAS <http://www.kitware.fr>*

2016-11-13 11:15 GMT-04:00 Khayam Gondal <khayam.gondal at gmail.com>:

> Hi, while using paraview in server-client model we still need to have
> OpenGL on client side which means paraview still renders something on
> client side.
> Can someone guide me that which type of processing is done on client and
> which on server paraview-developers at paraview.org. I looked on internet
> but couldn't find anything related.
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