[Paraview-developers] Help with advanced GUI for filter

Ellon Paiva ellonpaiva at gmail.com
Wed May 25 12:28:36 EDT 2016

Hello again,

Another question: How can I open a temporal file series from a c++ code? 
Could someone point out a file/example that I can use to take 
inspiration from?

And an update in a previous question:
> I still have some problems to address:
>  1. When I click on Apply button in the filter with my custom widget
>     the RequestData() method of my vtkPolyDataAlgorithm subclass is
>     not being called, but if I change the parameters of any filter
>     before this one in the pipeline then it's called. Do you know
>     what's going wrong here? Maybe I'm forgetting to call something
>     like pqPropertyWidget::changeAvailable()?

Not a problem anymore: from the vtkSetMacro code I found out that I 
should call this->Modified().

>   * I would like to have one of the properties of my widget to be
>     populated with the names of the input arrays. Can I do it from the
>     C++ code?

This I still don't know how to do it.


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