[Paraview-developers] C++ Plugin

Szép, Tamás (IVD) tamas.szep at kit.edu
Fri May 20 12:28:55 EDT 2016


thank you for your answer, the file reader in deed reexecutes at each time step. Note that this way the render and pipeline update calls are not synchronized: render can be called more often, but for many applications you can consider this as "close enough". The actual problem with this solution is more that you "use up" the animation mechanism, which you might also need for its actual purpose: to play animations. Anyway, it's useful to know how it works.

Kind regards:

Tamás Szép

Von: Mathieu Westphal <mathieu.westphal at kitware.com>
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Mai 2016 17:17
An: Szép, Tamás (IVD)
Cc: paraview-developers at paraview.org
Betreff: Re: [Paraview-developers] C++ Plugin


Only the pipeline can request an execution of a filter or in your case an input reader.
What i would do in your situation would be a trick with animation.

Your reader could inform the pipeline it has two timesteps, and this way, when the pepile execute the animation in a loop, your reader would be always reexecuted, allowing you to reload any available new data.


Mathieu Westphal

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Szép, Tamás (IVD) <tamas.szep at kit.edu<mailto:tamas.szep at kit.edu>> wrote:

could somebody help me on how to implement a filter with C++ in Paraview, which is capable of reacting on external events by invalidating itself, so that next time when a frame is rendered, the filter (and the dependent pipeline parts if any) get(s) reexecuted. I mainly need it for view-dependent filtering, but you can also consider an input reader that reexecutes when the file is changed as an example.

Thank you for the answers in advance. Kind regards:

Tamás Szép?

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