[Paraview-developers] Disabled buttons on ParaView 5.0.0 on Mac Os X 10.11.3

nazarian2 nazarian2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 00:09:54 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm currently using ParaView 5.0.0 on Mac Os X 10.11.3 and I'm having
difficulties with the attached example: all the filters appear disabled, as
well as the third row buttons (Calculator, contour, clip, slice, etc..).

What am I doing wrong?



View this message in context: http://the-unofficial-paraview-developers-forum.34153.x6.nabble.com/Disabled-buttons-on-ParaView-5-0-0-on-Mac-Os-X-10-11-3-tp4230.html
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