[Paraview-developers] Status of new Xdmf3 plugin for ParaView (UNCLASSIFIED)

Hennessey, Joseph G CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil
Tue Mar 1 12:20:34 EST 2016



I have been working on upgrading the support for Xdmf3 in ParaView.

Towards that end I have integrated the latest version of Xdmf3 developed
here at ARL into ParaView.

Xdmf3 included a parallel reader and a non-parallel writer, I have upgraded
this writer to make it parallel also. I have tested and built my new version
of Xdmf3 and found that it works correctly when running in client server
mode on a localhost.

But, when I use the superbuild script to build it, something is not working
and the parallel writer only works in non-parallel mode. I can understand
why this might happen as until now the Xdmf3 writer was non-parallel capable
and therefore there was no way to test this. 

What steps would you recommend that I take next, I could fix the superbuild
process, but I want to ensure that my fixes would be integrated into
ParaView as I would rather not maintain my own branch of ParaView and/or its
superbuild scripts.

Please let me know what you think.


Joe Hennessey

Joseph G. Hennessey Ph.D., Lockheed Martin
Army Research Lab

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