[Paraview-developers] Visualization field data on Gauss Points

sumeet kumar sumeet.kumar507 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 11:51:54 EDT 2016

I have a unstructured mesh with different types of elements like (quads,
hexahedrons, tets etc). I have also gauss points associated with these
elements and there are field data ( like stress, strain ) associated with
gauss points only while displacements, velocity are associated with nodes.
The nodal data can be easily be visualized and interpolated in para-view.

Is there any way in paraview, to visualize data located at gauss points and
interpolate it accordingly within the element and over nearby connected

I have the with me the location of all gauss points, the entire
unstructured mesh (comprising of nodes and element). I also have the
information about collection of gauss points belonging to the element.


Sumeet Kumar Sinha
Graduate Student
Phone: (+1)  <%28%2B91%29%209910516219>5306018271
Website : http://www.sumeetsinha.in/
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