[Paraview-developers] Compiling the plugin using Superbuild on Kitware

Felipe Bordeu felipebordeu at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 09:59:37 EST 2016


After some (political) work (to release the sources) and some cleaning, I
was able to create a github repository [1] and I followed all the steps to
make the changes to the superbuild (gitlab account, cdash account...ssh
keys...). I created a merge request


I use the same logic as the vistrails and the acusolve plugins (same
scripts and modifications to the CMakeLists.txt and versions.cmake files)
in the ParaviewSuperBuild.

Now I have 3 questions:

1) I registered on the CDash.org but I cant find the "ParaView-Superbuild"
in the CDash home page to "Subscribe to this project" as the instructions
said [2].

 2) How do I treat compilation errors? I have only a Linux to test the
compilation before doing pushes.

 3) How do I define configuration options (cmake options), or the plugin
must compile the the 3 environnements with the default options.


[1] https://github.com/fbordeu/PxdmfToolsForParaView

ps: What "MR" means in your previous email??

>> For the moment we don't have a license (I have to read the BSD license).
>Okay. You should figure this part out sooner rather than later.
>> For building the plugin we use :
>> boost (because the Xdmf3lib reader use it)
>> latex to build the pdf of the documentation and include it in the .so
>> I added a "save documentation to disk" button in the plugin . (this in
>> mandatory, I can disable this)
>> blas (cblas of just blas): we do intensive computation so we really need
>> blas. (I have a "no_blas" flag to compile the plugin on android/IOS).
>ParaView Superbuild doesn't have "blas". You'll need to extend the
>superbuild to teach it how to build & package that as well.
>> Now my question is how to handle releases and compilation errors??
>> Do I have to put the sources in a github?
>Yes, you can create a merge-request on the ParaVIew supbuild gitlab[1]
>. We can do builds on all platforms from a MR that you can then use to
>track down any build issues that may be introduced as a result of the
>[1] https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview-superbuild
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