[Paraview-developers] Failing while building Paraview in Windows

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Wed Dec 7 10:40:19 EST 2016

On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 18:20:43 +0300, Шагит Зиганшин wrote:
> Just "ninja" nothing more or less.

If you run `ninja -v` it will show the command line that it runs; adding
`-j1` will make it so that it only runs one thing at a time. It should
look something like this:

    % ninja -v
    [27-10->1/37 at 36.9] cd
    /home/boeckb/code/depot/group-kitware/vtk/build && /usr/bin/cmake
    -Dext=.md5 -DExternalData_ACTION=fetch
    -P /home/boeckb/code/depot/group-kitware/vtk/src/CMake/ExternalData.cmake
    -- Found object:


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