[Paraview-developers] Migrating Git repository to Gitlab

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Mar 19 15:05:58 EDT 2015

> we're working on migrating our development workflow to use Gitlab
>  (a Github clone) to manage reviewing, merging  and testing of changes.

ParaView development is now hosted by GitLab here:


The top of that page shows the new preferred clone URL:


It also links to the README.md file which links to CONTRIBUTING.md
which links to the new entry point for Git and developer instructions:


In order to update your existing work tree:

 $ git checkout master
 $ git pull
 $ Utilities/SetupForDevelopment.sh

Please rebase any open topics on 'master' and revise the commit
messages to drop any existing 'Change-Id' lines (these are not
needed by GitLab).  Then proceed according to the above-linked

Several ParaView dependencies have also moved to GitLab include:

  IceT: https://gitlab.kitware.com/icet/icet
  VisItBridge: https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/visitbridge
  ParaView-Superbuild: https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview-superbuild

To ensure the new repository URLs are used by the submodules, additionally,
do the following:

 # For a fresh clone
 $ git submodule init --recursive
 $ git submodule update


 # For an existing clone
 $ git submodule sync
 $ git submodule update

The old "git://paraview.org/ParaView.git", "git://paraview.org/IceT.git", and
""git://paraview.org/ParaViewSuperbuild.git" repositories are now
mirrors of the respective GitLab repository.  The review.source.kitware.com
Gerrit ParaView/ParaViewSuperbuild repositories are now a read-only archive
and not maintained.

Updates of web pages and links on paraview.org are still on-going.  If
after 2015-03-25 you come across an out-dated link, please report it

The testing infrastructure has also been updated to run tests on each
merge request.


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