[Paraview-developers] Migrating Git repository to Gitlab

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Mar 16 13:09:53 EDT 2015

On 03/11/2015 03:26 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> If you have been monitoring the VTK-developers list, this shouldn't
> come as a surprise to you, but we're working on migrating our
> development workflow to use Gitlab (a Github clone) to manage
> reviewing, merging  and testing of changes. This means we'll replace
> our current Stage and Gerrit based development workflow with one that
> uses Gitlab merge requests instead.

FYI, https://gitlab.kitware.com is now visible publicly.

We are in the process of moving VTK's development over to it,
but ParaView is not moving quite yet.

We've marked all the placeholder ParaView repositories as "private"
on this GitLab to avoid confusion, including user forks.  Please keep
them that way until we officially announce that ParaView has moved.


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