[Paraview-developers] Save a screenshot of Paraview along with the state file

Michael Bußler Michael.Bussler at visus.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Mar 5 07:10:17 EST 2015


I've only recently discovered this mailing list although I'm developing plugins for PV for almost a year now.

What always bothers me was the fact that if I have a large number of state file in a folder it was very hard to almost impossible to find the state file of a specific state. Therefore I've developed a patch for PV, which takes a screenshots of the PV- window and saves it along with the state file, using the same name, but as an image of course.
I find this a tremendously useful feature and would like to share my hack with the rest of the community, so that maybe one day it will become a standard feature in Paraview.

What would be the best way to so? Should I just post the code here?
Btw, It's far from being acceptable as a GIT push.

Best regards, Michael
Michael Bußler, Dipl.-Inf.
Visualization Research Center, Universität Stuttgart (VISUS) Allmandring 19
70569 Stuttgart

mail:   michael.bussler at visus.uni-stuttgart.de
room:   Allmandring 19 / 01.033
phone:  +49 (0)711 / 685 88634
fax:    +49 (0)711 / 685 88610

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