[Paraview-developers] [EXTERNAL] Re: CMake Version

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Jan 27 11:50:49 EST 2015

> Two thoughts:
> * Seems to me there is source level information (builds, version numbers, supporting libraries, etc.).  This can live either place.  Second, there is non source/executable level info, such as tutorials, python script snippets, etc.  This should live in a wiki.

Seems reasonable.

> * I believe the base issue I brought up is that we have information held in multiple locations, and it gets out of date.  I don't see how moving documentation into the code would make it any more likely to be updated.

My intuition is that when we move the documentation to code, it will
be more discoverable for the developers. Right now, when someone
changes a CMake variable, for example, the developer doesn't know
which all pages on the Wiki need to be updated. If its in the code, it
will be easier to locate. Secondly, we are going to a stricter review
based commit-system for ParaView (like VTK). If the documentation is
in the source dir, it will be easier for reviewers to block merge
requests that change/add  things like build flags etc. without
updating the corresponding documentation -- same reason why we think
moving the ParaView Guide to the source instead of the WIki should be

> No matter where it is located, we probably need a procedure for releases, that includes updating the version number documentation.

In source documentation will make versioning easier. I am still not
sure how to version documents on Wikis.


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